YU-TZU HUANG                                           

Ghosts in the Foreign Land

Ghosts in the Foreign Land was exhibited at Mediamatic Amsterdam from November 17 to December 14, 2024. This project, initiated by artist Lin Szu-Han in late 2023, explores the Bîng KunToh (Underworld-Army Table), a ritual performed during Ghost Month in Penghu, Taiwan, to honor wandering foreign spirits.


Ghosts in the Foreign Land project focuses on the historical and cultural connections between Taiwan and the Netherlands, exploring cross-cultural dialogues of colonization and decolonization through artistic creation.


The main visual design takes inspiration from the imagery of the Penghu ocean, utilizing the dynamic textures of water waves and the depth variations of warm and cold currents to construct the background. This symbolizes the flow of time and the interweaving of multilayered cultures. 

In the local culture, "營頭 (Yingtou)" is positioned at the east, west, south, north, and center of the village, serving as a boundary to prevent spirits from entering and symbolizing the protection of the "鬼地方 (Ghosts in the Foreign Land)." The dynamic, back-and-forth motion of the typography adds a sense of movement. Beyond representing the cross-national exchange between Taiwanese and Dutch artists, its rough, grainy texture creates an unsettling, ghostly atmosphere, reflecting the ambiguous presence of historical memory and its layered reinterpretations.

Visual Identity, Exhibition, Motion Graphic, Poster, Social media